The Caughley Society publishes four high quality, professionally produced newsletters a year, sent free to all members. Typically comprising 36 pages in A5 format and full colour, they contain articles written by members and other experts on all matters relating to Caughley.
Increasingly quoted as authoritative sources of information on Caughley porcelain, they are a valuable resource for information and reference. They are also used to update information in the pattern book, "Caughley Blue & White Patterns".
The latest newsletter, published in February 2025, contains articles about a source of Thomas Turner's clay; the popularity of gilt and white sprigs decoration; the classification of small jugs; the Caughley pottery, brick and saggar works; a contemporary extract about printing on ceramics; late underglaze painting on Caughley; a recent sale of Bright Landscapes dishes; and 'Around the auctions', a regular feature in newsletters.
To see a full index for all newsletters published, please click on the 'NEWSLETTER INDEX' button on the left of this page.

Registered charity no 1137851