(A reference to 55.3 means Newsletter 55, page 3)
1, 2, 3, etc
‘45’ mark, 55.3, 58.28, 60.31
Absolon, William, 53.5
Acton, Sir John, 97.15
Adlib software, 82.30
Aesop’s fables, 14.10
Animal figures, 11.14
Arcanum, The (book review), 32.25
Armorials, 85.22, 98.30
Arras factory, 46.23
Artichoke cups, 23.9
Asparagus servers, 34.11, 56.3, 73.28, 91.32
Asterisk mark, 44.17
Auction, buying at, 91.3, 91.30
Auction results
- 1818 Auctioneers, 79.36
- Adam Partridge, 70.34, 86.34
- Adams, 43.26, 82.35
- A E Dowse, 45.36
- Ahlers & Ogletree, 89.36
- Amersham, 40.27
- Anderson & Garland, 64.24, 100.49
- Bamfords, 39.37, 43.27, 47.32, 50.38, 54.35, 57.35, 74.34, 92.34
- Barbara Kirk, 70.33
- Batemans, 70.33, 73.36
- Bawden collection, 63.33
- Barbara Leake collection, 34.22
- Bear Steps Antiques, 40.14
- Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood, 63.35, 72.34, 79.32, 100.46, 100.50
- Bellmans, 55.36
- Bigwoods, 34.22
- Bonhams, 8.9, 9.7, 10.8, 12.13, 12.14, 16.22, 18.24, 22.24, 28.23, 32.17, 34.21, 36.24, 38.24, 40.11, 41.25, 42.27, 43.25, 44.28, 45.34, 47.31, 49.31, 50.38, 52.31, 57.35, 58.34, 67.30, 69.30, 71.34, 75.33, 82.33, 86.36, 88.34, 91.33, 95.36, 98.33, 99.33, 101.35
- Brightwells, 48.27
- Canterbury Auction Galleries, 35.24, 55.35, 100.44
- Capes Dunn, 93.34
- Charles Ross, 73.36
- Charterhouse, 34.22, 90.35
- Cheffins, 91.36, 97.33, 100.45
- Chidlow collection, 63.33
- Chiswick Auctions, 69.31
- Chorley’s, 84.33, 95.34
- Christies, 21.24, 38.23, 43.27, 58.33, 87.35
- Clevedon Salerooms, 84.35, 86.33, 100.52
- Cotswold Auction Company, 54.34, 79.35
- David Duggleby, 87.36
- David Lay, 52.30
- Dawsons, 93.36
- Diane Pelham Burn collection, 57.32
- Dreweatts, 50.37, 54.35, 57.32, 57.34, 90.34
- Duggleby Stephenson of York, 86.35
- Dunbar Sloane, 76.34
- Durrants, 79.34
- Eastbourne Auctions, 72.34
- eBay, 31.28, 35.24, 36.25, 37.30, 39.38, 40.18, 40.27, 41.26, 42.18, 45.35, 49.32, 50.37, 50.38, 51.27, 51.28, 53.32, 54.34, 54.36, 55.35, 56.31, 56.32, 57.35, 58.33, 59.35, 60.33, 61.35, 62.34, 64.35, 65.34, 65.35, 65.36, 66.32, 67.32, 68.30, 71.34, 72.35, 72.36, 73.35, 74.31, 74.32, 74.35, 75.35, 76.34, 77.33, 78.30, 78.33, 80.34, 81.35, 82.36, 86.33, 87.36, 90.35, 92.35, 94.36, 00.35
- Edmundson collection, 63.34
- Fieldings, 64.35, 70.34, 87.35
- Frank Wheeldon collection, 34.21
- Gildings, 76.36, 81.34
- Golding Young, 78.32, 81.34, 101.36
- Gorringes, 94.33, 95.36
- Halls Fine Art, 36.24, 41.27, 43.8, 44.27, 49.31, 52.31, 57.36, 58.34, 61.34, 61.36, 63.33, 64.35, 66.31, 67.30, 68.30, 71.32, 72.34, 74.34, 75.33, 76.34, 80.32, 83.31, 85.33, 87.33, 89.33, 90.33, 91.34, 92.34, 96.33, 97.32, 100.44, 100.47, 100.48, 100.49, 100.51, 100.52, 101.32
- Hansons, 92.35
- Hartleys, 48.26, 56.31
- Henry Adams, 80.32, 84.34
- Henry Duke, 40.27
- Henry Aldridge & Son, 99.33
- Horners, 65.35, 66.30
- Hutchinson Scott, 101.32
- John Nicholson, 55.36, 60.36
- Keys Fine Art, 50.37, 63.35, 69.30, 84.36, 98.35
- Kidson Trigg, 34.22
- Kinghams, 93.33
- Lacy, Scott & Knight, 49.32
- Law Fine Art, 5.4, 7.19, 9.7, 10.6, 12.13, 14.9, 17.24, 18.24, 20.28, 21.24, 22.24, 100.47
- Lawrences, 47.32, 51.28, 60.33, 79.35
- Leonard Joel, 77.34, 78.34
- Lindsay Burns, 66.30
- Lyme Bay, 82.35
- Lyon and Turnbull, 47.32, 79.34
- Mallams, 72.36, 74.34
- Mander, 81.35
- Martel Maides, 55.36
- Mellors & Kirk, 34.22, 37.30, 38.23, 41.27, 46.28, 48.27, 49.32, 51.28, 52.32, 62.36, 63.34, 69.31, 70.34, 80.36, 82.35, 100.49
- Minster Auctions, 98.35
- Mitchells, 52.30, 78.31, 88.36
- Morphetts, 35.23, 39.37, 60.36
- Mossgreen, 36.25
- Netherhampton, 48.26
- New Orleans Auction Galleries, 37.30
- Nicholas Mellors, 59.36
- Nicholson’s, 57.36
- Nigel Ward, 60.36
- Noonans Mayfair, 99.35
- Paul Beighton, 37.30, 62.34, 71.35, 76.35, 79.33, 81.35, 82.33, 84.35
- Peter Wilson, 41.26, 42.27, 46.27, 53.31, 66.31, 69.31, 72.35
- Philip Serrell, 37.30, 62.36
- Pinnick collection, 71.34
- Reeman Dansie, 55.36, 76.34, 77.33, 78.33, 98.36
- Rogers Jones, 92.36
- Rosebery, 45.36
- Ryedale, 60.33
- Sawdon collection, 28.23
- Sillito collection, 48.27
- Skinner, 81.35
- Smiths of Newent, 36.25, 95.36
- Sotheby’s, 46.27, 100.47
- Southern Counties, 34.22
- Stacey & Co, 69.31
- Stroud Auction Rooms, 64.35, 88.35, 90.35
- Susi and Ian Sutherland collection, 31.23, 32.17
- Sutton Hill Farm, 93.34
- Sworders, 50.39, 52.31, 66.32, 79.33
- Tayler and Fletcher, 51.28
- Tennants, 49.32, 53.32, 89.35
- Thomas Watson, 66.30, 75.35
- Thomaston Place, 66.31
- Thomson, Roddick & Metcalfe, 68.32
- Toomey & Co, 77.34, 78.34
- Tooveys, 39.38, 60.33, 66.30, 93.35
- Trevanion Auctioneers and Valuers, 88.35, 94.34, 98.35
- Waddingtons, 56.32, 77.35, 78.35, 94.35
- Watney collection, 4.10
- Woolley & Wallis, 10.8, 35.22, 52.32, 54.35, 59.34, 61.35, 62.34, 64.35, 67.32, 68.32, 71.34, 74.34, 79.32, 79.35, 81.34, 88.36, 92.33, 99.34, 100.51
- Wright collection, 71.32, 73.31, 73.34
- Wright Manley, 41.27
- Wright Marshall, 72.35
- Zorensky sale, 25.30
Auriculae, 63.3
Bachelor tea sets, 90.25
Baddeley-Littler, 25.14
Baking dishes, 3.7, 13.28, 17.7, 96.9
Bartlam, John, 77.7
Basalt, see Black Basalt
Baskets, 11.10, 19.15, 24.20, 61.32, 66.18
Bateman, Samuel, see Samuel Bateman mug
Bell-shaped cups, 64.32
Benthall family, 89.16
Benthall Hall collection, 7.6
Birds, 24.5
Black basalt, 33.13, 61.19, 68.19, 86.15
Borders, 83.3
Botanical decoration, 54.31
Boulton, Matthew 39.31
Bourdalous, 37.19
Bow, 25.8, 26.8
Bowes Museum, 20.5
Braithwaite coat of arms, 63.19
Bread and butter plates, see Saucer dishes
Breakfast wares, 2.5, 4.7, 8.22
Brewer, Samuel, 53.7
Bridgnorth mills, 57.5
Bright Landscapes, Cheffins, 101.28
Bright Landscapes plate, 93.3
Bright Landscapes teabowl, 84.13
Brimstree Loyal Legion jug, 74.17
Bristol, 26.10, 32.13
Britannia and Fame jugs, 77.4, 78.3
British Blue and White Saucers 1745-1795 (book review), 84.21
Broth bowl, see Tureens
Browne family, 89.13, 90.12
Bubble headed figures, 67.5
Bucket-shaped milk jugs, 96.3
Buddhist symbols, 92.26
Bute, Marquess of, 46.3
Bute shape, 46.7, 46.13, 47.29, 48.22, 72.31
Butter boats, 10.12, 13.11, 32.31, 41.17
Butterflies, 27.9
Buttons, 74.3
‘C’ mark, 6.9, 10.4, 22.22, 24.9, 26.19, 49.24, 70.6, 80.10
Cabaret égoïste, 90.30
Cabaret sets, 90.25
Cabbage leaf jugs, see Mask head jugs
Caddy spoons (see also Medicine spoons), 14.35, 41.3
Calcut, 27.16, 27.20, 45.22
Cataloguing, 82.30
Caudle cups, 3.15, 38.3, 85.4
Caughley/ Coalport, 21.28, 92.3
Caughley estate, 18.16
Caughley House, 82.32
Caughley in Colour Exhibition, 21.14
Caughley marketing analysis, 18.6
Caughley memorial, 8.6, 10.19, 12.15, 73.15, 76.7
Caughley Place, 39.10
Caughley pottery, site of, 55.9
Caughley saggar works, 84.24
Caughley sales 1799/1780, 2.17
Caughley site digs, 1.17, 17.4, 100.9
Caughley Society meetings
- April 2000, 3.2
- July 2000, 6.21
- October 2000, 4.2
- April 2001, 6.1
- April 2002, 10.2
- October 2002, 12.5
- April 2003, 14.5
- October 2003, 16.4
- April 2004, 18.4
- October 2004, 20.5
- April 2005, 22.3
- April 2006, 27.4
- October 2006, 28.4
- April 2007, 30.4
- October 2007, 32.5
- April 2008, 34.15
- October 2008, 36.28
- April 2009, 38.26
- October 2015, 64.34
Caughley Society landmarks, 100.4
Caughley vs. Chamberlains, 96.3, 98.11
Caughley vs. Worcester, 8.9, 13.16, 28.15, 31.14, 34.27, 36.26, 37.26, 41.14, 42.20, 56.7, 56.11, 61.30, 61.32, 65.25, 66.25, 72.11, 91.10, 95.10, 96.25, 98.11
Centre dishes, 59.14
Chaffers, 25.8, 26.11
Chamberlains, 21.19, 29.6, 44.3, 49.19, 60.18, 83.11
Chantilly factory, 61.26
Chantilly patterns, 95.27
Chelsea ewers, 18.4, 21.25, 30.24
Chestnut baskets, see Baskets
Child labour, 97.7
China burning, 90.22
Chinese art, influence of, 92.19, 93.7
Chinese decoration, 67.26
Chocolate cups, 38.6, 79.4
Chris Brown presentation, 88.3
Christians, 24.13, 25.8, 25.13
Cigarette cards, 53.22
Class A teawares, 44.3, 49.19, 57.7
Clay, source of, 101.3
Clifton Roberts, C, see Roberts, Charles Clifton
Clobbering, 10.14, 11.18, 12.6, 20.20, 28.21, 64.27, 70.31, 83.29
Coal, 14.24
Coalbrookdale, 64.23, 83.20
Coalbrookdale Archives Committee, 8.22
Coalport, 68.5, 73.23
Coalport China, Here’s to, 76.25
Coalport China Museum, 88.30
Coalport copies, 3.20, 8.16, 16.24, 51.15, 100.36
Coalport ferry disaster, 97.7
Cobalt, 19.7
Coffee cans, 13.9, 23.9, 26.16, 36.9, 91.24
Coffee cups, 6.13, 18.20, 26.7, 26.16, 34.17, 52.21, 54.24, 67.26
Coffee pots, 30.25, 31.20, 32.23, 32.32
Collecting, psychology of, 77.30
Creamers, 3.19, 8.10, 9.13, 9.18, 45.2, 74.29
Crinkled wares, 78.26
Cristall, Joshua, 21.18, 60.7, 76.13, 100.16
Custard cups, 44.10, 44.14, 78.32, 79.16, 83.16, 94.3
Cutlery handles, 10.12, 11.2, 67.18
Daoist emblems, 92.27
Darby, II, Alfred, 77.5
Dated pieces, 9.9, 10.8, 14.18, 17.15, 18.12, 18.5, 18.10, 21.23, 43.9, 60.25, 86.17, 99.27
Davies, Frederick Thomas, 33.11, 38.17
Davis, George, 21.18, 99.14
Decanters, 99.11
Déjeuner sets, 90.25
Derby, 14.29, 25.8
Dessert dishes, 56.29
Dessert tureen and stand, 75.30
Dinner tureen and stand, 77.13
Dish, covered, 45.9
Dogs, 11.14, 86.10
Dolphin dessert dish, 50.13
Dolphin ewers, 55.22
Donegall, Marquess of, see Marquess of Donegall
Drainers, see Strainers
Dry bases, 69.28
Dry blue decoration, 95.14
Duke of York pieces, 84.3
Dumfries House, 46.3
Duvivier, Fidelle, 21.18, 71.13, 75.33, 76.33, 81.32, 98.28
Dyas, Edward, painter/engraver, 10.16
Early Caughley, 17.15, 20.6, 26.20, 32.20
Ears, 60.26
Earthenware, 13.24, 33.17
Egg cups, 86.6
Egg drainers, see Strainers
Election, Shrewsbury 1796, 95.7
Election jug, 9.9, 73.24, 85.24, 87.7
Esme collection, 76.16
Everted rims, 8.5, 17.14, 87.27, 95.3
Figures, 44.29, 72.3
Finger bowls, 29.17, 73.3
Fish Street, Shrewsbury, 55.32
Fisher, Stanley, 24.18
Fisherwick Hall, 92.14
Flow Blue, 70.24
French wares, 27.24, 39.4
From Kitchen to Table: Georgian Recipes in Shropshire (book review), 94.27
Fruit painting, 64.27
Gadroon boats, 44.17
Gallimore, Ambrose, 3.10, 8.18, 67.25, 89.13, 90.11
Gallimore family, 90.11
German contemporary factories, 36.17
Gew Graze, see Soapstone
Gilders’ marks, 3.20, 5.5, 5.10, 6.8
Gilding of European ceramics, 50.27
Gilding, red embellishment, 81.4
Giles, James, 28.6, 82.33
Gilt and white, 50.3
Gleanings from Caughley site, 86.10, 89.28
God Speed the Plough, 92.8, 98.17
God Speed the Forge, 86.34, 92.8
Godden, Geoffrey, obituary, 67.3
Godden’s Guide to English Blue and White Porcelain (book review), 22.20
Grape border, 94.4
Green Man, The, 35.15
Griffin Beaufoy White jug, 80.15
Groome, Thomas, 92.4
Gryphon, 89.24
Guglets, 22.4, 31.21, 66.15
Hancock, Robert, 22.14, 36.10, 72.11, 83.5, 84.5, 91.8
Handles, 9.14, 34.17, 38.15
Haslewood, William, jug, 18.10
Hyacinth bulb vase, 71.3
Hybrid hard paste, 18.19, 19.25
Icepails, 35.4, 65.13
Imari type decoration, 12.6
In the Footsteps of Fidelle Duvivier (book review), 71.13
Inkstands, 65.3
Inkwells, 30.25, 32.32, 39.8, 40.15, 43.8, 65.9
Iron Bridge, The, 12.9, 33.4, 62.3, 68.5, 71.9, 79.28, 94.7
Ius liberorum, 35.18
Jardinieres, 29.16, 65.13
John Brierley collection, 7.7
John Rose, 44.3, 45.22
Jugs, reeded, 67.13
Jugs, with lugs, 98.8
Jugs, small, 101.9
Kauffman, Angelica, 60.7
Kiln furniture, 20.6
Kiln shape, 73.33
Kilns, bottle, 79.10
Ladies Amusement, The, 22.15, 44.22
Lady Ludlow collection, 29.23
Lambs, 72.15
Leaf dishes, see Pickle dishes
Lemon squeezer, toy, 57.23, 63.17
Lids, 65.19
Limehouse, 25.7
Liquor cups, see Spirit cups
Liverpool porcelains, 28.5
Liverpool Porcelain 1756-1804 (book review) 49.2
London warehouse, 30.12
Longton Hall, 25.8, 26.8
Loughborough House, 80.3
Loving cups, 60.14, 89.32
Lowestoft, 14.37, 25.11, 65.25
Luckcock, John, 59.25, 61.7
Lucock, William, 72.28
Lund’s Bristol, 25.8
Manlove Vernon Lawrence jug, 59.34
Marquess of Donegall, 92.11
Marriage items, 56.3
Mask head jugs, 14.18, 15.8, 17.25, 18.26, 26.20, 35.15, 79.18, 96.25
Maurice’s Monstrosity, 45.9
Maurice Wright presentation, 78.19
Meat pot, see Potting pot
Medicine spoons, 14.35, 41.3, 72.24
Meet the collector, 83.25, 85.30, 91.20, 95.21, 97.20, 99.5, 100.33
Mercury Antiques, 87.9
Mills, grinding, 94.10
Milner family, 21.6
Milseys, 62.29
Miniatures, see Toy wares
Monogrammed pieces, 3.15, 9.7, 10.8, 14.18, 17.15, 17.25, 18.26, 32.30, 32.31, 32.34, 35.18, 38.23, 38.24, 42.28, 46.26, 66.23, 69.27, 81.3, 86.34, 88.4, 91.28, 98.29, 99.27
Monteiths, 39.15
Muchall, John, 21.18
Muffin dishes, 63.19
Mugs, 3.20, 8.8, 9.14, 12.5, 23.12, 30.26, 32.30, 71.29, 82.18, 86.17, 91.22
Museum of Royal Worcester, 98.23
Mustard, 76.17
Mustard pots, dry, 16.14, 76.17
Mustard pots, wet, 21.24, 76.17
Mustard spoon, 76.31
Named pieces, 8.3, 9.6, 14.18, 18.12, 18.14, 43.9, 70.16, 80.15
Nancy Allen jug, 70.16
New Hall, 16.4, 21.20
Newdigate family, 17.8, 18.13, 20.24
- Gittins, John, 70.3
- Godden, Geoffrey, 67.3
- Hillis, Maurice, 85.3
- Holloway, Chris, 68.3
- Pinnick, John, 69.3
- Thomas, Phil, 95.33
- Wright, Maurice, 97.22
Old Parr, 54.9
Overglaze printing, 32.14, 37.3
Painters, 21.18
Painters’ marks, 3.18
Pandora, The, 7.2
Pap boats, 72.25
Patch box, Ironbridge, 62.10
Pattern book launch, 53.2
Pattern book updates, 53.25, 60.3, 61.3, 63.13, 65.11, 70.4, 70.27, 74.20, 77.4, 85.10, 100.40
Patterns, blue and white
- Ark, 9.16, 24.6, 53.25
- Aster, see Single Flowerhead
- Banana Tree, 19.25, 29.20, 78.22
- Bandstand, 16.22, 36.13
- Basket Moth and Rose, 100.40
- Bell Toy, 4.14, 10.3, 68.13
- Bell Toy (reversed), 10.3, 70.4, 70.8
- Bird in a Ring, 24.14
- Birds in Branches, 21.26, 58.27, 87.17, 88.27, 93.23
- Bouquets, 49.11
- Bowing Men in Bandstand, 80.24
- Bridge and Windmill, 12.6
- Bright Landscapes, 7.8, 14.14, 28.25, 38.19, 46.21, 54.32, 62.18, 66.3, 69.10, 84.13, 93.3, 95.17
- Bright Sprigs, 64.3, 84.31
- Britannia & Fame, 20.8
- Britannia and Fame Rose, 77.4
- Broseley Smoker, 51.7
- Cabbage Rose, see Cabbage Rose Sprays
- Cabbage Rose Sprays, 20.8, 26.21
- Cannonball, 24.7, 70.20
- Carnation, 88.17, 90.10
- Central River Scene, 40.8
- Chrysanthemum, 70.27
- Columbine, 42.16
- Contemplation, 1.3, 2.4,
- Crowded Isle, 70.10
- Décor à la Mouche, 16.10, 23.29, 69.15
- Décor au Ronda, 16.11, 23.29, 58.3, 69.15
- Dragon, 20.14
- Eagle, 14.21, 48.15
- Fan-Panelled Landscape, 40.5
- Fence, 29.21, 52.3, 56.11
- Fence and House, 26.4, 32.22
- Fenced Garden, 64.15, 93.29
- Fisherman, 7.4, 26.12, 47.3, 53.11, 55.20, 56.27, 70.24, 73.28, 86.23, 87.12, 98.3
- Fitzhugh Border, 64.32, 65.33, 66.21
- Flaming Rock, see Scholar’s Rock
- Floral Festoons, 59.13
- Floral Roundel, 47.15
- Flowery Cartouche, 82.24
- Fruit Sprigs, see Sliced Apple
- Full Nankin, 93.5, 95.10, 99.26
- Garden Floral, 34.4, 35.25
- Garden Table, 34.5
- Gillyflower, 2.14, 3.9, 29.22, 45.9, 51.2, 65.11
- Globe Flower Sprays, 60.3
- Heart-Panelled Floral, 40.9
- Heart-Panelled Landscape, 40.8
- Holed Rock, see Scholar’s Rock
- Hope, 76.9
- House in the Swamp, see Houses and Swamp
- Houses and Swamp, 41.25
- Image, see Mother and Child
- Iron Bridge 1, 12.9, 17.25, 62.3, 68.5, 71.9
- Iron Bridge 2, 33.4, 62.10
- Island, 7.4
- Island Sampan, see Rock Strata Island
- K’ang Hsi Lotus, 32.27
- Ladies Sprigs, 7.5, 13.13
- Locré Sprigs 11.16, 13.9, 14.23, 29.24, 76.23
- Loyal Volunteers, 74.20, 75.5, 86.35
- Man in Sampan, see Central River Scene
- Marrow, 41.12
- Mother and Child, 2.12, 4.14
- Narcissus, 60.3
- Natural Sprays, 20.9, 26.20, 69.16
- Naturalistic Sprays, see Natural Sprays
- Noah’s Ark, see Ark
- Oil-Spotted-Ground Floral, 88.13
- Ornate Border, see Régence
- Parrot Pecking Fruit, 91.5
- Pêche, La, 22.14, 22.27, 72.11
- Pickle Leaf Spray, 70.29
- Pickle Leaf Vine, 20.18
- Pine Cone, 94.21
- Pleasure Boat, see Fisherman
- Promenade Chinoise, La, 22.14, 22.27, 72.11
- Rearing Horse, 76.3, 100.14
- Régence, 27.26
- Ribbon Spray, 63.13
- Rock and Willow, 12.29, 13.27, 26.13, 29.18, 48.3
- Rock Strata Island 26.10
- Rose, 28.15
- Rose-Centred Spray, 49.23
- Rose Festoons, 11.6, 65.31
- Rose Hip, 47.25
- Royal Lily, 4.7, 35.18, 79.29, 97.23
- Salopian Peony, 85.10
- Salopian Sprigs, 7.5, 52.25
- Scholar’s Rock, 25.22, 40.4
- Single Central Flower, see Single Flowerhead
- Single Flowerhead 5.7, 6.10, 16.6, 17.15, 20.6, 58.8
- Sliced Apple, 13.16
- Sloping Rock and Tree, see Rock and Willow
- Sparse Sprigs, see Locré Sprigs
- Stalked Apple, see Stalked Fruit
- Stalked Fruit, 14.16, 16.23, 20.6, 26.9
- Striped Temple, 51.19, 52.19
- Target, 96.18
- Temple, 7.12, 26.14, 31.14, 92.17, 94.28
- Terre, La, 2.13, 80.13, 81.20, 82.5
- Thorny Rose and Lily, see Thorny Rose
- Thorny Rose, 20.8, 44.24, 69.19
- Three Flowers, 4.11, 7.5, 9.11, 14.22, 25.29, 58.25
- Three Flowers and Hips, 58.23
- Tournai, see Décor à la Mouche and Décor au Ronda
- Tower, 22.25, 23.4, 81.9, 85.12, 89.10
- Travellers, 10.11, 26.13, 43.3, 61.23, 70.22, 81.26, 84.16
- Travellers (Liverpool), 81.26
- Tulip Spray, 61.3, 72.21
- Vase and Lantern, 34.9, 35.25
- Vases and Table, see Vase and Lantern
- Vase of Flowers, 28.18
- Vulture, see Eagle
- Waiting Chinaman, 30.25
Patterns, overglaze
- Aesop’s Fables, 14.10
- Angoulême Sprigs, 13.13, 98.29
- Back-to-Back Roses, 96.22
- Basket of Flowers, 73.17, 75.27
- Chantilly Sprigs, 7.5, 16.9, 25.15, 28.24, 29.25, 30.30, 61.26
- Classical Rose Swags, 87.29
- Classical Rose Swags 2, 97.15
- Cornflower Sprigs, 7.5, 13.15, 17.17
- Derby Sprigs, 13.15
- Dragons in Compartments, 93.19
- Floral Cartouche 1, 99.14
- French Sprigs, 7.5, 13.13, 32.12, 92.30
- Gilt and White, 50.17, 52.24, 53.27, 53.28, 101.6
- Gilt Rose Sprigs, 7.5
- Gilt Rosebud Sprigs, 7.5
- Gold Star and Husk Festoons, 65.24
- Gold Star Border, 7.5
- L’Amitie, 40.10, 41.8, 41.10, 56.22, 77.26, 78.29, 85.27
- Lattice, 99.3
- Music, 96.8
- Ovals, 98.24
- Prince of Wales Feathers, 54.36, 61.15
- Provençal Rose, 62.32, 63.31, 64.26
- Red Spot Flower, 88.8
- Rich Queens, 76.27
- River Landscape, 95.23
- Roses and Sprigs, 35.27
- Sparse Sprigs and Ermine, 86.4
- Waterside dessert service scenes, see River Landscape
Patty pans, 16.12
Pearlware, 89.10
Pickle dishes, 5.8, 16.3, 20.18, 30.24, 43.19
Pickle sets, 8.15
Pilkington Collection, 73.23
Plymley, Joseph, 101.3
Plymouth, 25.8
Polychrome decoration, 6.19, 8.11, 9.18, 10.13, 13.13, 16.26, 19.19, 21.14, 24.18, 26.8, 45.3, 45.19, 47.18, 52.21, 54.17, 55.27, 71.29, 83.12, 84.12, 86.3, 89.5
Polychrome pattern book, 97.12
Potters wheel, 19.21
Potting pots, 54.21, 80.26, 83.4
Pounce pots, 30.28, 63.27
Powder blue, 38.12, 40.3
Prices, 11.8, 14.8, 22.26, 30.27, 62.26
Prince of Wales service, 61.15
Printing process, 1.14, 87.15, 101.22
Printing plates, 46.25, 60.10, 64.9
Provenance, 23.11
Providence bowl, 53.5
Prunus Root pattern, 24.15
Pulls, 60.10
Queen Mary, 97.3
Radish dishes, 31.21, 54.3
Railways, 75.24
Rarities, 29.15, 30.22, 31.18, 32.13, 32.30
Rea, E H, bowl, 66.23
Registered design mark, 93.32
Replacement wares, 22.30, 23.9, 23.25
Restoration, 6.11, 82.20, 100.38
Reynolds, Horton & Rose, 45.22
Rice spoons, 20.26, 31.20, 32.33
Riveting, 38.9, 39.35, 42.11, 42.14, 51.6, 63.29, 90.20
Roberts, Charles Clifton, 60.11, 64.9, 74.10, 74.15
Robin beak jugs, 41.14
Rose, 3.20, 16.25
Rosehill House collection, 7.7
Rouge pots, 55.15, 56.13, 56.15, 56.17
Rowley’s House Museum, Shrewsbury, 19.18
Royal Collection Trust, 97.3
‘S’ mark, 3.16, 4.5, 9.13, 20.25, 24.9, 29.14, 30.17, 54.18, 58.25, 58.31
Saffer pots, see Spittoons
Saffron pots, see Spittoons
Saggar works, 75.13, 84.24, 101.15
St James, 25.8
Sale results (members)
- April 2000, 2.2
- October 2000, 4.3
- April 2001, 6.6
- October 2001, 8.24
- October 2002, 12.28
- April 2003, 14.38
- April 2004, 18.29
- October 2004, 20.29
- October 2005, 24.22
- October 2007, 32.8
- April 2008, 34.25
- October 2008, 37.32
- April 2009, 38.26
Salopian Warehouse, London, see London warehouse
Salt, 95.34, 99.31
Samuel Bateman mug, 57.3, 73.3, 78.7
Sandby, Paul, 43.3, 61.23, 84.16, 89.12
Sandwich set, 41.22
Sauceboats, 19.22, 20.23, 25.7, 28.15, 33.16, 46.17, 57.20
Saucer dishes, 12.19, 86.3, 86.31, 89.5
Schreiber, Lady Charlotte, 87.9
Scoops, see Wine tasters
Seconds quality wares, 92.29
Shapes, tea service, 78.14
Shards, 45.27, 80.12, 86.10, 98.13
She Kaw, 20.22
Sheep, 49.3, 86.13
Shell desert dishes, 34.27
Sixteen sided teawares, 27.16, 27.20, 29.17
Slaney, Major Robert, 74.19, 78.7
Slavery, see Sugar and slavery
Smith, Hubert, 15.6, 56.23
Smithies Mills, 94.10
Soaprock Coast (book review), 49.2
Soapstone, 11.21, 13.21, 15.12, 19.11, 42.5
Soft paste ingredients, 94.11
Sorbet pots, 31.18
Sparrow beak jugs, 9.11, 19.19, 30.23
Spiking, 26.26, 62.15, 63.26, 63.27
Spirit cups, 99.25
Spittoons, 1.11, 2.4, 43.12, 44.31, 64.19, 69.20, 77.15, 89.8
Spode, 72.33
Spoons, 47.15
Spoon trays, 66.9,67.12, 69.20, 74.22, 79.22
Spoon tray reverse inscription, 74.22
Stanier-Smith, Hubert, see Smith, Hubert
Stapling, see Riveting
Stands, teapot, 57.25
Star-shaped dish, 64.24
Stick-pin, 7.7, 8.23
Strainers, 17.14, 32.31, 58.32, 62.29
Studs, 74.3
Sucriers, see Sugar boxes
Sugar and slavery, 87.3
Sugar boxes, 66.25
Table settings, 90.3
Tally marks, 20.25, 22.26, 23.5, 23.7, 24.9, 25.14, 25.26
Taoist emblems, 92.27
Tart pans, see Patty pans
Teabowls, 58.11, 69.21
Tea canisters, 9.8, 9.12, 16.16, 30.6, 30.23, 32.10, 36.26, 37.26, 38.22, 42.20, 56.11
Tea cups, 55.30
Tea drinking, 23.8, 75.16
Tea measures, see Wine tasters
Tea pots, 45.11, 48.24, 57.7, 57.14, 71.25, 74.31, 75.32, 96.12
Tempesta, Antonio, 76.3
Three Horseshoes pub, 95.17
Toulouse, John, 57.9
Tournai, 19.4, 20.11, 23.27, 25.16
Toy Wares, 7.4, 57.23, 61.26, 66.7, 97.30, 99.20
Transitional paste, 9.21, 10.14, 49.25
Transport at Caughley, 71.15
Trefoil dish, 16.15
Trial mug, 83.28
Tudor, Thomas Linthwaite, 59.10
Tumblers, 4.7, 50.35, 51.22
Tureens, 36.11, 37.27, 38.21, 39.35, 40.26, 54.13, 61.14, 68.27
Turks, see Figures
Turner, Dorothy (née Gallimore), 90.14
Turner, Richard, 69.5, 80.3, 91.13
Turner, Thomas, history 2.8, 3.10, 7.14, 8.2, 8.18, 9.2, 10.5, 17.8, 19.7, 21.6, 21.8, 23.15, 29.26, 39.3, 39.4, 39.10, 39.19, 39.24, 39.28, 39.31, 55.9, 71.15, 73.14, 74.10, 82.15, 89.3, 91.12
Turner coat of arms, 39.28, 40.25, 91.15
Turner Gallimore Salopian mark, 20.9, 72.21
Turning lathe, 17.29, 19.20
Tureen, dessert, 66.29
Underglaze printing, 36.15
Vases, 3.6, 32.30, 40.20, 48.10, 97.27
Vauxhall, 25.8
Vienna cabaret service, 71.9, 72.29
Vivares, François, 83.21
W Rowe mug, 80.17
Washington, George, 12.26
Washstands, 95.5
Water bottles, see Guglets
Watney sale, 100.45
Wenlock Borough, 39.24
Wenlock Loyal Volunteers, 39.19, 75.3
West Pans, 25.8
White Dot Borders, 80.20, 85.5
Wigton, Countess of, 69.5
Wilberforce, William, 35.9
Wilkes, John, 55.3, 55.8
Willem V, 52.12
Willey Old Hall, 75.7
Williams Wynn family, 58.5
Wine tasters, 14.28, 15.10, 17.6
Wirksworth, 10.5, 59.3
Wishlist, A collector’s, 33.18
Withers, Edward, 36.4, 37.24
Worcester, 25.8, 25.18, 25.24, 26.8, 32.17, 36.6, 65.25, 94.3, 95.10
Wylde, Ralph, 55.29
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